New World Investor
New World Investor

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Deeper Insights.
Integrated Stewardship.

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Report: Voting for Sustainability

2025 Report: Voting for the Future

Commissioned by the Laudes Foundation, our report "Voting for the Future: Pension Policies & Practices across Six European Countries" examines how pension funds in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, and Germany leverage their proxy voting power for sustainability—analyzing disclosures from 122 funds and detailed voting behavior from 42 funds, with expert insights highlighting best practices and the nuanced role of stewardship codes.

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Stewardship Strength
is a Competitive Advantage

That's Why rezonanz Integrates

>$54 trillion
in global AuM
investors' voting
investors' engagement
engagement cases

Stewardship is the future of responsible investing.

We're offering new ways to approach this complex challenge.

Quantitative Benchmarking

See how your voting records stack up against over 140 investor peers and measure alignment with clients and partners.

Quantitative Benchmarking
Engagement Analytics and Data-Sharing Tools

Engagement Analytics and Data-Sharing Tools

Leverage data and learn from leaders to extend your influence with portfolio companies.

Streamlined Tracking and Reporting

rezonanz's stewardship reporting software saves your team time and valuable resources while giving your clients the clarity they need.

Streamlined Tracking and Reporting

"Strong stewardship is needed now more than ever... We call on investors to pave the way for data-driven approaches to stewardship resourcing which foster accountability, transparency, and ultimately, impactful change.”

Nathan Fabian

Chief Sustainable Systems Officer, Principles for Responsible Investment

rezonanz for:

Asset Managers

Focus your efforts on improved stewardship outcomes and client value

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Pension Funds

Target long-term value creation through stewardship across your portfolio

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Fund Selectors

Easily identify best-in-class managers with quant stewardship benchmarking

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